Tag Archives: pre

A Juicy New Project

…Hi again!  It’s been awhile!  Tons of stuff has happened since I last posted something.

I could regale you with tales that you’d find more than interesting, like what it was like in rural Virginia during and after the derecho (“land hurricane”) demolished trees, homes, vehicles, downed power lines (and how exciting and scary driving over those downed power lines), and living with crazy people without electricity who think the world might be ending.

a big mess to clean up
a tree that knocked over a power pole

too many trees down to move them all – here’s one solution

Because of the derecho, we took an impromptu trip to visit relatives in GA.  Because it was cooler in GA than it was in VA.  (!!!)  Oh…and the relatives had a little thing called running water…and air conditioning.  The power came back on at our house late Saturday night–eight days after it went out.  We came back home Sunday night.  Everything in the fridge except the mustard, ketchup, and stuff like that was lost…and I’d done a major shopping trip the day before we lost power.  Guess that’s the way the ball bounces sometimes.  A friend lent us room in their freezer for our frozen fruit.  Some other friends, who’s electricity didn’t go out for long, took our dogs food and water every day.  Thank you, Lord, for kindness in all its forms!

Also, my daughter has become a pre-teen.  She’s eight.  That’s right.  Eight.  Ugh.

Un-asked for pose…cute smile!

But body image stuff, personal taste changes in clothes and fashion, sudden peer pressure stuff, and interest in boys (from a distance, and Heaven help us if her friends ever found out she has a crush!) have all become part of her life…and mine.  I’m very blessed that she’ll still talk openly with me about things (like those crushes)…and I want to pat myself and my husband on the back because we must have (probably accidentally) done something right.  But.  I still can’t get over it.

“Mom! Take my picture!”

I thought I had at least another year before all this started happening.  I mean…She’s eight.  She’ll be starting third grade this fall.  Good grief.  …Ah well.  There is grace yet in God’s storehouse for this season.

I’ve had to have tests at the doctor for a weird condition that has been discovered to be not quite so weird and very approachable and manageable.  So, no biggie…but while it was going on, it was the pits.  The worst I’ve felt in a LONG time.  Lasted about 2 months.  Not fun. At all.

My husband has started a new position at the university for which he works.  Came with a raise.  Way to go, hon!  You’re amazing!


I’m starting a brand new project: a crazy-awesome diet (don’t worry, my doctor says it’s just fine).  It’s called a “juice fast.”

For ten days, I will let nothing pass my lips that is not 1.) water OR 2.) FRESH juice from fruits and veggies OR 3.) herbal tea.

I’ll be “juicing” fresh produce and buying nothing in jugs or cans.  No, these aren’t “shakes.”  There is no chocolate or vanilla…but there is strawberry.  And mango.  And tomato-carrot-kale-celery-cilantro-jalapeno.  And a ba-zillion other mixes.

Today has been DAY #1.  Yay!  It’s been lots of fun!

Breakfast and lunch were purchased at Smoothie King (make sure to ask for “no sugar” because they usually put in raw sugar).

Here are the groceries I bought today.  Insane! …Hopefully in a good way.

ALL fresh produce…oh…and laundry detergent.
Only reason they fit into my fridge was that having no electricity had killed all the other food!

Supper was the first chance for me (and Hubby and The Child) to try out our new toy…I mean, juicer.

Here’s my supper before it was juiced.  That’s 1 orange, 2 clementines, 2 apples, 2 carrots, fresh spinach, 1 sweet potato, 2 beets w/ greens, 1 red sweet pepper.

Here is the rainbow-colored juice that came out of my juicer!  The Child said, “It’s so pretty!”  She’s right!

Wish the camera could have REALLY captured the color. :/
Here’s about 1/2 the juice. I drank most of it…but not all. That’s a quart jar! I drank nearly 1.5 quarts. Whew!

It was good.  I loved it!  The Hubby said, “Tolerable.”

That’s all for today.  Will let you know about tomorrow’s experience…I’m supposed to experience withdrawal and detox symptoms.